Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Appointment for Passport Renewal through Passport Seva Kendra (PSK)

Getting appointment for any work at Passport Seva Kendra is a BIG DEAL!! I had to renew my passport recently and when I got the appointment at Bangalore Sai Arcade PSK after hard try it was like winning a battle! :) I was in very hurry to renew my passport due to personal issue and I tried couple of days to get the appointment without luck :( . Brokers were saying me 1500Rs to get appointment and he promised me to get appointment at 4:00 pm, which is exactly 2 hours before the official time of taking appointment(6:00 pm). Finally one online friend help me in getting appointment.

I checked with inquiry section at PSK about the procedure to get emergency appointment and the person told me that in emergency cases I need to get a letter from Passport Officer of RPO. As I wanted immediate appointment I tried visiting Koramangala RPO as well but I was not allowed at entrance itself saying I need "Admit Card" from the office of PO to meet PO. Entrance security pointed me to the office number of PO and I tried calling them 60 times, 61st time a lady picked up the call and without listening to my situation she just said "We Don't issue appointment". I tried again and someone just picked the call and keep it aside :(. So getting a appointment to meet PO seems impossible to me.( unless you know him ;) )

Here is some information that can help people who are trying to book an appointment.

1. It is a myth that your online submitted application should be a week or 10 days older to get appointment. You can get appointment if you created profile on same day as well.
2. Be ready at sharp 6:00 PM and login to For Bangalore PSK, other PSK the timings are different! )
3. try your luck! :)

BTW, I was helped with some professional to get appointment.

Best Luck!

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